Louisiana Homebuilders Association GL Trust Announces Cash Dividend
December 7, 2015

Baton Rouge, Louisiana – The board of trustees is pleased to announce that the LHBA GL Trust will be paying a dividend distribution to eligible builder members. $700,000 in dividends will be distributed on December 1, 2015.
The Louisiana Home Builders Association General Liability Trust is a separate legal entity from the Louisiana Home Builders Association. Unlike a typical insurance company, the Trust is controlled by a Board of Trustees that are builders and indemnitees of the Trust. Find out more at www.lhbagltrust.com.
2015 will be the sixth consecutive year the Trust has distributed dividends to its builder members. With this dividend distribution, the LHBA GL Trust has returned $6 million in dividends to qualifying builders and remoderlers of the program. If you are an agent or residential general contractor or remodeler and would like to learn more please contact Chris Wilson, cwilson@midman.com.
Approved GL Trust agents are able to submit applications to the Trust’s third party administrator, Midlands Management Corp., located in Oklahoma City. As Administrator, Midlands implements the declared policies, procedures and directives of the Board and provides for the day-to-day administration of the Trust. Midlands is contracted to do all services including underwriting, issuance of the general liability indemnity agreements, accounting, audit, loss control and claims.
Midlands Management Corp. is a leader in the wholesale brokerage and insurance services industries. For more than 25 years, Midlands has been protecting critical financial assets by providing total insurance solutions. Find out more at midlandsmgt.com.
MEDIA CONTACT Mandee Wilson | mwilson@midman.com | midlandsmgt.com