municipal tax recovery

Natural Disaster with insurance coverage

Experts in government insurance, Midlands specializes in the ever-evolving public entity insurance sector.  This innovative policy covers tax revenue lost in critical times due to inevitable, but unforeseen events.  For innovative coverage solutions, industry-best risk management and claims services, tailored to meet each client’s specific needs, Midlands is the clear choice.


  • Payout up to $1,500,000 for lost tax revenue
  • Claim event includes explosion, fire, tornado, etc. that results in damages enough to shut down a covered, tax-paying business for a time
  • Deductible and SIR structures available
  • Payout for occurrence on limited classes


  • We offer only top-quality insurance products and services
  • Direct access to skilled and responsive underwriting team with decades of combined experience
  • Superior claims handling and benefits coordination
  • Commitment to the highest standards of business since 1990
  • A.M. Best A rated carriers or better
  • Ability to build customized programs to match unique risks and coverage needs


Morgin Freeman
(972) 588-2047